Franchise Blog

Category: Lenny’s Grill & Subs Franchise

On July 17th, 2024

Lennys Sizzling Success in Culinary Trends

Sandwiches are a timeless classic in the culinary world, thanks to their versatility and delicious taste. Many Americans are not willing to give up their favorite sandwiches and subs, so they become loyal customers to shops that offer the best food and service. In the Southeast and South-Central United States, a leader in the sub ...

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On July 17th, 2024

Lennys Top 10 Must-Try Grill Franchise Specialties

Who doesn’t love a tasty sandwich? It is one of the favorite foods in the United States, and for good reason. The versatility and customization that sandwiches offer means that everyone can get exactly what they love. At Lennys Grill & Subs, our goal is to ensure you have the right base for all your ...

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On July 24th, 2023

3 Tips for Purchasing a Food Franchise

Life is full of many investment opportunities—some appearing more profitable than others. For instance, starting a business from scratch can be risky. You are building something from nothing and that’s no simple task. On the other hand, when you’re purchasing a franchise, you’re partnering with a business that’s already got its ducks in a row. ...

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On July 7th, 2023

Lennys Way—The Keys to Franchise Success

When you’re looking into purchasing a franchise, there are several important questions you’re likely asking and it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Everyone wants their investments to be sound and profitable, allowing for a brighter future for oneself and one’s family. What’s not to love about that?  Here at Lennys, we’re passionate about success—from the food ...

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On June 24th, 2023

3 Reasons to Open a Specialty Sub Shop

In life, we’ll always be presented with opportunities for investment. From donating to charities to investing in business ventures, it can be easy to feel pulled in different directions. But not all opportunities are created equal. Some business investments are much smarter and can even set you and your family up for life. But how ...

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On June 7th, 2023

How to Turn Your Passion for Food Into a Successful Business

  It’s no secret that people love food! All over the world, despite language barriers and cultural differences, one thing remains true across the board: we all enjoy a great meal. Our love for great food often drives us to make spontaneous decisions. Our desire for fine cuisine can cause us to spend a small ...

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On May 21st, 2023

4 Reasons Why a Franchise Should Be Your Next Business Venture

Let’s face it: starting your own business is a huge endeavor. You have so many elements to consider and so much research to conduct. You need to be confident that your brick-and-mortar location is in a place where you’ll be visible and will get plenty of traffic. You need to be confident in your plan ...

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On May 7th, 2023

Lennys Grill & Subs: The Right Franchise for You

Anyone who has considered purchasing a food franchise can tell you that not all franchise investments are created equal. For instance, many franchises aren’t thriving, and that lack of growth might compromise your investment. In the same way, many franchise opportunities are with companies that won’t support you. How can you know which franchise investment ...

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On April 17th, 2023

Single-Unit or Multi-Unit: Which Type of Franchise Is Right for You?

When you’re looking to invest in a franchise, there can be a number of important questions for you to answer. You might be concerned about financing your endeavor. Perhaps you’re looking into several food franchises and you can’t decide which makes the most sense for you. Whatever your questions, remember that every franchise owner started ...

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On April 7th, 2023

3 Tips on How to Start a Successful Business

There often comes a point in the process of starting a business in which every entrepreneur understands what it takes to be successful. Many business owners conduct thorough research and talk to other entrepreneurs in an attempt to gain a firm grasp on how to see their new business thrive. But as we’ve realized in ...

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